Confused About Fat – What’s Healthy & What’s Not?

A lot of confusiavOCADo photoon still exists on the topic of healthy fats and oils, especially in deciding what to use on a daily basis. For years we have received conflicting information on the benefits of processed vegetable oils such as canola, safflower, and hydrogenated oils in margarine and shortening. To this day Coconut oil is still considered to be something that is “bad” for you on this page of the American Heart Association.

Many of us have been deeply ingrained to think that fat will make us fat. But good news: eating fat doesn’t make you fat! According to the TIME article recently written about America’s consumption of fat, we are now sicker than ever in the wake of the LOW FAT movement of the 1980’s. The U.S.D.A. advised us to eat less fat to lower our cholesterol and keep us from getting heart disease. We know now, however, that it’s a little more complicated than that, and we need to consider time cover photo
what cholesterol really is. Find TIME’s article to see how “The War on Fat” is ending now that we know better. Go on! Get some background information for your next grocery store trip, you’ll be glad you did.

When it comes Coconut Oil to it’s the type that counts. Virgin or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the absolute best version. According to a Huffington Post article written in 2014, “Natural coconut oil is made of 90 percent saturated fat (butter, a distant second, contains a comparatively puny 64 percent saturated fat), but the kind of saturated fat matters just as much as the amount. About half of virgin coconut oil’s saturated fat is lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride that turns out to have a number of health-promoting properties, including the ability to improve levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.” Another good source of information on all things fat-related is here.

Happy Fat Shopping!

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